Tuesday, July 23, 2013

In Exactly One Month...

I will be flying over this...

The thriving metropolis of South Bend, IN (sarcasm)

...to drive up to this...

The most beautiful campus ever (no sarcasm)

...and I'm so excited!!!

My roommate and I video chatted for about 2 1/2 hours yesterday to discuss our room. There are going to be monograms (obviously). I'm looking forward to seeing my friends, going to football games, and getting back into my old school routine, but I think what I'm looking forward to most is what's going to be different this year. I'm much more involved with student government and hall council, and I'm finally taking classes that are going to be 100% applicable to my career. It's also going to be pretty awesome to know where I'm going and how everything works.
Notre Dame Boutique Bow - Fighting Irish Bow - Gold Notre Dame Bow
The Sadie Shop

In my excitement for the start of the new semester, I've been looking for some more ND accessories. The other day I stumbled upon this hair bow and there is no chance that I'm going to school without it. A bow will be the perfect girly accessory for football games, where everyone wears the same unisex shirt that is incredibly unflattering. How cute are those polka dots?
I found this by searching "Notre Dame" on Etsy. Every college girl should do this! You're sure to find lots of unique ways to show school spirit.
As there's only 4 weeks until I go back to school, I'm going to do one post a week with a college-related subject, so be sure to comment or email me at somethingpreppy [at] gmail [dot] com with any suggestions or questions!

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